rabeinu hakadosh造句


  1. There are those who attribute " Sifra diTzni'uta " to the patriarch Yaakov; however, Rabbi Eliezer Tzvi of Kamarno in his book " Zohar Chai " wrote, " " Sifra diTzni'uta " was composed by Rashbi . . . and he arranged [ it ] from baraitas that were transmitted to Tannaim from mount Sinai from the days of Moshe, similar to the way Rabeinu HaKadosh arranged the six orders of Mishnah from that which was repeated from before ."
  2. It's difficult to find rabeinu hakadosh in a sentence. 用rabeinu hakadosh造句挺难的


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  7. "rabekke formation"造句
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  10. "rabelados"造句

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